
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Mental Health Counseling located in Great Falls, MT
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder services offered in Great Falls, MT

An estimated up to 3% of people in the United States have obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). At Open Door Wellness Center in Great Falls, Montana, Joshua Holloway, LCPC, and the team of mental health professionals understand how OCD takes over a person’s life. They offer comprehensive care to help you manage your obsessions and compulsions and improve your quality of life. Call the office to schedule an obsessive-compulsive disorder consultation today.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Q&A

What does having obsessive-compulsive disorder mean?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental illness. Having OCD means you have ongoing unwanted thoughts or ideas (obsessions) that cause significant distress. To get rid of the obsession and relieve the distress, you feel driven to engage in repetitive behaviors (compulsions).

Examples of obsessions

Examples of obsessions in people with OCD include excessive fear of germs, unwanted thoughts of sex, or extreme worry that you forgot to do something like turning off the stove.

Examples of compulsions

Excessive cleaning, repetitive counting, and constant checking and rechecking are examples of compulsions in people with OCD.


It’s not unusual to have a fear of germs and illnesses and to want to clean your house and wash your hands. But with OCD, the thoughts and behaviors are overwhelming and consume hours of your day.

What causes OCD?

OCD is a common disorder that affects people of all ages. Researchers are still investigating what causes someone to develop OCD but theorize genetic and environmental factors may play a role.

You’re at greater risk of having OCD if a first-degree relative has it, like a parent or sibling. There’s also some evidence that childhood trauma may trigger OCD symptoms. 

Brain structure and function may also contribute to the development of OCD. Imaging studies show abnormalities in the area of the brain that controls decision-making and motor skills in people with OCD.

What happens during an obsessive-compulsive disorder evaluation?

The experts at Open Door Wellness Center take a patient-centered approach to mental health and conduct comprehensive evaluations when you come in with concerns about obsessive-compulsive disorder. Your provider reviews your symptoms, medical and mental health history, and family history.

They also conduct psychological tests to understand how you think and feel and confirm an OCD diagnosis. 

What treatments can help OCD?

The team at Open Door Wellness Center may use a combination of psychotherapy, behavioral modification, ACT, and Exposure therapies to treat OCD.


Your provider customizes your psychotherapy treatment plan using therapies that reduce the distress caused by the obsessions and the need to engage in compulsive behaviors. 

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