
Faith Based Counseling

Mental Health Counseling located in Great Falls, MT
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Faith Based Counseling services offered in Great Falls, MT

Faith-based counseling bridges the gap between mental health and spirituality. Offered by the professionals at Open Door Wellness Center in Great Falls, Montana, faith-based counseling provides help when you’re struggling with interpersonal relationships, family, or your own self-purpose. Call today or use the online tool to schedule an appointment or to learn more about how faith-based counseling can help you.

Faith Based Counseling Q&A

What is faith-based counseling?

Faith-based counseling takes a spiritual approach to mental health treatment. The team at Open Door Wellness Center provides information, education, coaching, advice, and supportive listening to help you find mental wellness. The team seeks to help you find peace, hope, and self-purpose in every interaction you have. 

The team acknowledges your personal connection to God and how it can provide you with a deeper sense of purpose. They share in your beliefs, values, and practices and incorporate them into your care. 

How can faith-based counseling help me?

The team at Open Door Wellness Center may recommend faith-based counseling to help you: 

  • Make sense of grief or suffering
  • Learn how to deepen your faith
  • Find purpose or meaning in life
  • Learn how to forgive others or yourself
  • Identify the spiritual values that you can use to guide your life decisions

Faith-based counseling can also help you connect more deeply with your spiritual community. 

What types of issues can faith-based counseling help with?

You might seek faith-based counseling when you’re trying to make an important life decision. It can also help if you have spiritual or religious concerns. If you are concerned about religious abuse, you should also seek faith-based counseling. 

Faith-based counseling guides you through couples, family, or marriage issues. The team at 

Open Door Wellness Center can also help you improve and maintain good spiritual and emotional health. The counseling brings you a sense of belonging and connection and can help you reduce symptoms caused by mental illness. 

Faith-based counseling is not appropriate, however, if you’re experiencing serious mental disorders like schizophrenia, psychosis, or suicidal ideations. 

What happens during faith-based counseling sessions?

The team customizes your sessions to you and the concerns you’re seeking to address. They may offer:

  • Prayer
  • Reading of religious texts
  • Forgiveness teachings
  • Mindfulness
  • Talk therapy

Any one session may include one or more of these counseling approaches. You may attend sessions on your own or with family members if you’re dealing with interpersonal conflict. 

Contact Open Door Wellness Center to find out how you can benefit from faith-based counseling. Call today or use this website to schedule online.

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